Basketball Skills with Barrow AFC

Image of Basketball Skills with Barrow AFC

Today we practiced basketball skills with Jordan from Barrow AFC.

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Investigating air resistance

Image of Investigating air resistance

Lots of fun investigating air resistance today. 


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Circle time -Year 2

Image of Circle time -Year 2

In our PSHE lessons the children learned more about our schools vision “As a caring community, we learn and grow”. We link our PSHE lessons to our value each half term. This half term our value is ‘Caring’. The children discussed different ways we can care for ourselves and each other. We then…

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Year 2 Tennis

Image of Year 2 Tennis

We enjoyed a taster session on Tuesday with Gary an outside coach. We practised lots of throwing and catching skills and developed our hand eye coordination. We all had a turn at using the racket and striking the ball! Well done to our Tennis champions who managed to hit the ball over the net and…

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Year 3 maths

Image of Year 3 maths

Year 3 using base 10 and place value counters to add crossing 10 or 100. 

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Year 6 Abstract Art

Image of Year 6 Abstract Art

In class, Year 6 were looking at the works of Wassily Kandinsky.  We then produced our own versions of abstract art and are going to make a display of them in school. 

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Gears, levers and pulleys

Image of Gears, levers and pulleys

A brilliant afternoon using our knowledge of gears, levers and pulleys to invent some cracking contraptions based on Wallace and Gromit.

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Year 6 Science-Adaptation. Designing a new species.

Image of Year 6 Science-Adaptation. Designing a new species.

Year 6 were finding out about evolution and adaptation. They then went on to design their own new species using what they had learnt in the lesson.

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National trust

Image of National trust

A brilliant idea year 5 instead of sending Christmas cards. 

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The Great Kapok Tree Art

We were inspired by The Great Kapok Tree.


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Hockey Skills with Barrow AFC

Image of Hockey Skills with Barrow AFC

Jordan from Barrow AFC did some hockey skills with us today.

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Shakespeare and Spellbinding

Image of Shakespeare and Spellbinding

A lovely afternoon casting and practicing The Tempest. We also handed out the Spellbinding books for our reading challenge. 

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