Christmas Party
Years 3 and 4 had lots of fun at our Christmas Part this morning. We had croissants, pain au chocolate and fruit then went into the hall for dancing and games. We even had a snowball fight!
Year 6 Christmas Lunch 2021
Year 6 enjoyed having their Christmas dinner today.
Year 6 Christmas Party
Year 6 had a great time at their Christmas party today.
Christmas at Kepplewray 2021
We had a fantastic day at Kepplewray. The weather was kind to us and we all joined in with orienteering, den building, bush craft and team challenges.
Coastal erosion
Today we have been investigating coastal erosion and building sea walls to try and prevent it.
Stacks, stumps and arches
As part of our coastal erosion topic for English, we have been exploring how headlands turn into caves, arches, stacks and stumps due to erosion.
Year 3 Christmas angels
Today year 3 made their Christmas angels ready to decorate the tree.