Mini beast hunting class of 2028

Image of Mini beast hunting class of 2028

Reception enjoyed a mini beast hunt, using their investigating skills we found different insects in different habitats. 

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Children's Mental Health Week - Year 6

Image of Children's Mental Health Week - Year 6

Seen as it's Children's Mental Health Week, we made support balloons in class.  We decorated our balloons really colourfully and thought about the people who support us or help us, and placed these people in the clouds around the outside. 

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Dove Cottage and The Jetty

Image of Dove Cottage and The Jetty

We had a fantastic day out today. Thank you to staff at Dove Cottage and The Jetty.

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Year 2 - Everyday materials

Image of Year 2 - Everyday materials

Year 2 are enjoying a new science topic - everyday materials. On Thursday afternoons we turn our classroom into a laboratory and get to work! Today we planned and carried out an investigation to see which material would be best to make a raincoat. The children all made their predictions and then…

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Year 3 science

Image of Year 3 science

Year 3 having been learning about skeletons. This week and last week we explored the function of the human skeleton. Last week we learned about the support a skeleton provides. We designed and constructed a structure to support a ball as high above the top as possible. This week we explored the…

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Nature club tree planting

Image of Nature club tree planting

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Nature club bird watching

Image of Nature club bird watching

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Investigating air resistance

Image of Investigating air resistance

Designing an investigation to look at air resistance 


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Year 2 Forest School

Image of Year 2 Forest School

The children loved building their own fire and discussing their new science topic 


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Prophet Muhammad

Image of Prophet Muhammad

Imran told us all about Prophet Muhammad's life. We learned that he had a very hard life, his parents died so he was an orphan, and then his grandfather died too. Two angels washed Mohammad's heart and took a black bit out. Many years later Angel Gabriel told him he would be a…

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Islam year 5

Image of Islam year 5

Amazing workshop about the 99 names of Allah, thank you Imran, the children learned so much and were so interested. 


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Year 3 PE

Image of Year 3 PE

Year 3 enjoying dance linked to our topic Anglo-Saxons in PE with Mrs Hayes.

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