Year 2 - Christmas yoga

Image of Year 2 - Christmas yoga

The children enjoyed a wonderful Christmas yoga session. Looking at the word Christmas and doing yoga poses for each letter, we had lots of amazing ideas including stars, icicles, reindeers, stockings and trees. Well done Year 2!

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Strive for Five

Image of Strive for Five

Each week we have been making a huge effort to read at home at least 5 times. This week many of the year boys and girls read 7, 8 or 9 times with a grown up outside of school. We are very proud of our reading journey so far! 

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Year 2 visit to Santa at the Christmas disco

Image of Year 2 visit to Santa at the Christmas disco

We are very excited for the countdown to Christmas! We enjoyed meeting Santa and getting an early Christmas present. 

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Mapping UK rivers using digimaps

Image of Mapping UK rivers using digimaps

We’ve been mapping rivers around the UK  using the digimaps programme. 

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Angles in gymnastics

Image of Angles in gymnastics

Year 5 have been using gymnastic moves to investigate angles 


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Year 4 history

Image of Year 4 history

Lots of fun in history this afternoon making their class friends into Egypt mummies. 



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Investigating gravity 2022

Image of Investigating gravity 2022

We have been using Newton meters to investigate weight and gravitational force. 

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We LOVE reading!

Year 1 have been working hard at home to get 'Strive for Five'.  Every week, during Autumn 2, over 20 boys and girls have read over 5 times at home with a parent, caregiver, grandparent or sibling.


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Year 1 Recreating 'The Great Fire of London'

Image of Year 1 Recreating 'The Great Fire of London'

This week Year 1 had a brilliant time recreating the timeline of 'The Great Fire of London'.  We identified key moments using different sources and the put our acting skills in to gear.


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Water cycle in a bag

Image of Water cycle in a bag

Year 3 are learning about the water cycle and enjoyed creating the water cycle in a bag. They have been observing the bags closely to see the changes. 

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Year 6 Poetry Workshop with Rommi Smith from the Wordsworth Trust

Image of Year 6 Poetry Workshop with Rommi Smith from the Wordsworth Trust

Year 6 had a lovely afternoon working with the poet Rommi Smith who is poet in residence at the Wordsworth Trust.  They went outside and collected things form nature based on the colour green. They then wrote their own poems based on this called 'Love Letter to theā€¦

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Poetry Workshop

Image of Poetry Workshop

Year 4 had a great morning with Rommi Smith (resident Piet with the Wordsworth Trust). We used our matchboxes of inspiration to collect natural items to inspire our writing.

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