Digital mapping
Today we have been digital mapping to trace the source of a river and where it meets the sea.
Digestive System
We used coke, weetabix and pop socks to simulate the digestive system. it was great fun but very messy and quite disgusting!
Stilling Exercises 2022
We have been using meditation techniques and creating our own stilling exercises in year 5.
We wrote step by step instructions for our peers to follow and enjoy a range of unique exercises.
Outdoor number bonds
The children have loved embedding their number bond skills with practical activities outside! We hid our numicon and then found them looking quickly for a partner who had a bond to 10! Super work Year 2!
Firework Art
We created our own scratch off pictures using pastels. We also drew fireworks with glue, added salt then dropped paint onto it.
Improvising in Music with xylophones
Year 6 had lots of fun improvising the song Happy in class. We upped the tempo of the song and they had to keep up with the beat and they did a fab job and concentration was brilliant. Great work everyone.
Interviewing druids
Today we have been learning all about Druids and decided to turn 4 of the class into Druids and pose Iron Age questions to them.
Thermal insulators 22
We have been investigating thermal conductors and insulators.
Year 1 Roose Village Tour
We took a wet tour of Roose Village with out VIP guest Mrs Shaw. This was part of our ‘My Local Area’ topic for Geography. We are making a 3D map of North Row and can not wait to show you.