Handwriting Heroes
The boys and girls have made such a huge effort with their handwriting this term and, as you can see, it is really paying off and we can’t wait to share more of their fantastic work.
Christmas Jumper Day
We had a brilliant day wearing our Christmas jumpers to school.
Cumbria Fire and Rescue Visit Year 1
We are grateful to ‘Green Watch’ who visited our class to help us learn more about modern day firefighting as part of our Great Fire of London topic. What a fantastic afternoon we had!
Primary Engagement Day at Furness College- Year 6
Year 6 enjoyed their day at Furness College today. They took part in lots of exciting activities; tending to patients and feeling pigs' lungs in the clinical suite, playing table tennis in the Sports Hall, completing a virtual welding challenge, styling hair in the hairdressing salon as well as…
Freezing bubbles
It is sooooo cold we decided to do an experiment and see if we could freeze some bubbles. It worked. We watched them slowly freeze then collapse on themselves. Very exciting!
Year 5 karate grading
Very well done year 5 at your karate grading. Thank you Natalie, they have really enjoyed it.
Smoothie bike
Today we did exercise with a difference. The children had to pedal fast enough to power a blender to make smoothies
Robin Hamm Visit
Thank you so much Robin Hamm for coming in to talk to year 5 about the Christmas story. The children really enjoyed thinking about and talking about different perspectives and accounts of Christmas.
Re-potting plants
Our spider plants have been sprouting lots of new runners so we have re-potted them and they will be coming to new homes with the children of year 5.
Testing magnetic force.
Today we have been investigating magnetic force, making predictions and looking at which materials are magnetic
Year 2 -digital photography
This half term we have been learning all about digital photography. We know how to take a good photograph, if we should take it in portrait or landscape format, to take a selfie and to edit our pictures to enhance them! Lots of budding photographers in the making!