Geography dictionary
We have been creating a geographical dictionary based on our topic of rivers.
Year 5 Karate
Year 5 have been working hard on their karate skills and knowledge today. They used their own warm up techniques to get ready for their grading in 3 weeks time. Natalie was working with group to understand the rules and expectations needed to complete their grading and they did a great job with…
Gymnastics headstands
We have been learning to do head stands today.
Digital mapping
Today we have been digital mapping to trace the source of a river and where it meets the sea.
Stilling Exercises 2022
We have been using meditation techniques and creating our own stilling exercises in year 5.
We wrote step by step instructions for our peers to follow and enjoy a range of unique exercises.
Interviewing druids
Today we have been learning all about Druids and decided to turn 4 of the class into Druids and pose Iron Age questions to them.
Thermal insulators 22
We have been investigating thermal conductors and insulators.
Wind rush
Today we have had a really interesting discussion about the Windrush generation and how people were treated when they arrived in this country. We will be writing a diary tomorrow.
Irreversible changes 2022
A thoroughly exciting afternoon of investigating irreversible changes. We made a type of plastic and mixed vinegar and bicarbonate of soda to produce carbon dioxide and blow up balloons.
The walrus and the carpenter
We have been studying The Walrus and The Carpenter by Lewis Carroll. Today we interviewed the three main characters.
Skara Brae
Today we have been investigating the Neolithic village of Skara Brae and built our own versions. We are all wondering what house 7 was used for and why it only locked from the outside ……