Valentine Disco 2019
All the children enjoying the Valentine Disco. Throwing some amazing shapes.
Valentine Disco 2019
All the children enjoying the Valentine Disco. Throwing some amazing shapes.
Valentine Disco 2019
All the children enjoying the Valentine Disco. Throwing some amazing shapes.
Valentine Disco 2019
All the children enjoying the Valentine Disco. Throwing some amazing shapes.
Valentine Disco 2019
All the children enjoying the disco. Throwing some amazing shapes.
Valentine Disco 2019
All the children enjoying the Valentine Disco. Throwing some amazing shapes on the dance floor.
Converting mixed numbers and improper fractions
We have been converting mixed numbers into improper fractions
Yr 2 Computing
We have been working on Pivot Animator in our computing sessions.
How Was He Made?
Nobody knows how the Iron Man was made, but we're making our own.
Safer Internet Day
We realised we don't know what the internet looks like because we can't see it.
It was easy to draw apples and dogs but we couldn't draw the internet.
Bible Exhibit
We had a great morning at the Risedale Gospel Hall looking at the Bible exhibit and learning all about the Bible.
Magnet Strength
We tested the strength of magnets by hanging paper clips on them.