Times Tables Treasure Hunt
We had great fun this afternoon doing a times table treasure hunt. We had to multiply 3 numbers together the find the next answer.
Space Exploration!
We have used globes, balls, torches and hoops to explore night and day and the orbit of the Earth, Moon and Sun.
Model making
We're having great fun making models and doing art! Thanks for all the junk materials everyone!
Year 3 have had a Robotics workshop. We learned what a robot is, how they are used and how to programme a simple one. We made it go forwards, backwards and spin!
We are taking part in the BANANAGRAMS challenge! We played for the first time today and we will keep practising for a while before we start our challenge rounds
Watch this video to find out more
Traditional Tales and Nursery Rhymes
We created freeze frames of Traditional tales and Nusery Rhymes. Can you tell what this one is? Is it Humpty Dumpty or Row Row Row your Boat?
Spellbinding books!
We have had a lovely afternoon getting started on our Spellbinding Reading Challenge. We are all really enjoying the books so far.
Shakespeare Day
We have had a fantastic morning doing a Shakespeare workshop. We improvised, practiced parts of the play and learned to sword fight! Thank you to Frances Entwistle for a very enjoyable morning. More photos in the gallery
World War 2
Today, Year 3 have begun a topic on World War 2. Here, we see one of the sparks for World War 2...Germany invading Poland!
We have had an exciting afternoon mixing and separating different materials.