Year 2 -digital photography

Image of Year 2 -digital photography

This half term we have been learning all about digital photography. We know how to take a good photograph, if we should take it in portrait or landscape format, to take a selfie and to edit our pictures to enhance them! Lots of budding photographers in the making!


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Year 2 - Christmas yoga

Image of Year 2 - Christmas yoga

The children enjoyed a wonderful Christmas yoga session. Looking at the word Christmas and doing yoga poses for each letter, we had lots of amazing ideas including stars, icicles, reindeers, stockings and trees. Well done Year 2!

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Year 2 visit to Santa at the Christmas disco

Image of Year 2 visit to Santa at the Christmas disco

We are very excited for the countdown to Christmas! We enjoyed meeting Santa and getting an early Christmas present. 

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Children in Need and Odd Socks

Image of Children in Need and Odd Socks

We had a dress down day (and at the first count raised £200) for Children in Need. We also wore odd socks to celebrate the fact that we’re all different and support Anti Bullying Week.

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Investigating sound - Year 2

Image of Investigating sound - Year 2

The children have enjoyed looking at new vocabulary relating to their sound topic. They have completed investigations to look at loud, quiet, high, low and fast and slow sounds. They have been using their scientific enquiry skills to ensure they are implementing a fair test! We loved creating our…

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Outdoor number bonds

Image of Outdoor number bonds

The children have loved embedding their number bond skills with practical activities outside! We hid our numicon and then found them looking quickly for a partner who had a bond to 10! Super work Year 2! 

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Safety first

Image of Safety first

The children completed a safety walk around school looking at any potential hazards, recapping our school rules and looking carefully for all the fire exits incase they hear the fire alarm. The children were very sensible and had excellent suggestions to keep themselves safe at all times. 

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PSHE - How are you feeling?

Image of PSHE - How are you feeling?

The children enjoyed learning all about our SCARF scheme of work. Our first lesson was looking at feelings and how our actions can effect other peoples feelings. The children had a wonderful discussion about their emotions and we came up with the motto “It’s good to talk”.  

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Nature club 28/6/22

Image of Nature club 28/6/22

Lots of fun making our own nature paint brushes and enjoyed nature art painting.

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Year 1 and 2 Athletics Event

Image of Year 1 and 2 Athletics Event

Year 1 and 2 had a great time at the athletics event at Furness Academy.

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Nature club 24/5/22

Image of Nature club 24/5/22

Lots fun making nature bracelets today ☺️ 

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Nature club 17/5/2022


Children really enjoyed nature club looking and talking about wild flowers.


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