The Firework Maker’s Daughter
Year 3 used clues from the text and their imagination to draw images of Razvani, the fire-fiend.
Water cycle in a bag
Year 3 are learning about the water cycle and enjoyed creating the water cycle in a bag. They have been observing the bags closely to see the changes.
Children in Need and Odd Socks
We had a dress down day (and at the first count raised £200) for Children in Need. We also wore odd socks to celebrate the fact that we’re all different and support Anti Bullying Week.
Subtraction using base 10
Year 3 using base 10 to help subtract 10s across a 100.
Year 3 Geograpy
Year 3 have explored how Roose has changed since 1890 using Digimaps.
Year 3 trim trail fun
Year 3 enjoyed some time on the trim trail after the daily mile this week.
Year 3 music
Year 3 learning to find the pulse, sing a new song and play the xylophone. Lots to think about and lots of listening skills needed.
Year 3 have been learning about what life was like for a Roman soldier in the north of England. We have learned about the tortoise manoeuvre and some simple Roman commands.