Art workshop
A fantastic time working with artists and creating kaleidoscope pictures to go in an exhibition.
Jazz and glockenspiel
A lovely bit of improvisation using glockenspiel and some jazz.
Online Safety Talk
Our local police officer gave a talk to the Year 5 and Year 6 children today about how to stay safe online.
Investigating magnets
Today we have been investigating magnets and magnetic forces
Rugby year 5
A great afternoon learning rugby skills. The rain sent us inside but we still had fun.
We have been meditating today and writing our own stilling exercises
Making plastic and carbon dioxide
A thoroughly exciting afternoon of mixing milk and vinegar to make casein (an early form of plastic) and blowing up balloons by making carbon dioxide.
Year 5 and 6 Football Competition
Well done to the year 5 and 6 football team who played amazing this afternoon. Thank you Furness Academy for hosting.
PE years 1and 5
A brilliant afternoon with years 1 and 5 doing a joint PE lesson. It was so much fun.
Separating materials
We have been using different techniques to separate materials in science today.