Victorian Roose 2
We had to work very hard in our Victorian Roose. Mrs Bell was very bossy.
Victorian Roose
We had a great time learning about Victorian children and their bossy teachers.
Dissecting plants
We have had a very scientific afternoon and dissected some plants to find and label the different parts.
Maths stories
We had so much fun listening to maths stories today and learned some mind blowing facts about the planets!
Maths Stories
Ira Lightman told us maths stories today.We had a fantastic time and learnt loads!
Karate grading
A very successful karate grading today. Very well done year 5 and thank you Natalie.
Year 2 cricket
Year 2 have enjoyed a cricket workshop and learnt lots of new skills.
Eco art
We had a lovely afternoon making pictures from bottle tops. Thank you for all the donations. Recycle, recycle, recycle!
Black holes
We have been exploring how gravity affects other objects in space, particularly when they encounter a black hole!
Furness Academy
We have had a brilliant morning at Furness Academy taking part in arts activities. We are looking forward to seeing The Wind in the Willows
Some impressive skills on the field playing cricket this afternoon
Da Vinci Geometry
We are studying Leonardo Da Vinci this week because it is Science week. This morning we tried to build 3D shapes out of straws and the draw them.