Human timeline
We have been discussing the human timeline and in particular sorting true or false statements about old age.
Kensuke's Kingdom
We finished reading Kensuke's Kingdom today. It is a book we have all loved. I warned them that I might cry.....they did too!
Year 1 Greenland's Farm 2019
Year 1 had an amazing trip to Greenland's Farm. We saw lots of animals and had great fun playing in the soft play and barn. What's more the rain stayed off and the sun came out!
The Wind in the Willows
We had an amazing time at Furness Academy this morning watching their brilliant show The Wind in the Willows.
Kepplewray 2019
We had a great time yesterday. We worked together to build crate stacks, some of us did archery. We all went to Coniston in the afternoon and got soaking wet throwing sponges at each other.
More crate stack and archery planned for today and more pictures to follow.
Making new plants
We have been taking plant cuttings to try and grow new plants.
Victorian Roose 2
We had to work very hard in our Victorian Roose. Mrs Bell was very bossy.
Victorian Roose
We had a great time learning about Victorian children and their bossy teachers.
Dissecting plants
We have had a very scientific afternoon and dissected some plants to find and label the different parts.
Maths stories
We had so much fun listening to maths stories today and learned some mind blowing facts about the planets!