Year 6 Fun Fit 2019
Year 6 had lots of fun making smoothie's using peddle power! Healthy way to make healthy food.
Library Bus 2019
We all squashed into the library bus to listen to a story, then we all chose a book to read.
Year 5 have been practising their paper skills and done some origami with Mrs Treadwell
Studying maps
Quietly studying maps to find rivers in the Lake District
Dancing for Children in Need
Dancing in the sunshine in our pyjamas for Children in Need
River Systems
We have had a great afternoon making different river systems. We made waterfalls, meanders and tributaries.
Separating materials
We have been investigating how to separate materials using sieves and filters
Discussing Poverty
We have been discussing global poverty and looking at the difference between our wants and our needs.
Sea defences
We have been investigating sea defences and built sea walls to try and hold back the tide.
Dawali Dance
Year 6 had an amazing session learning about Dawali and learning a Bollywood dance routine. They were really fast learners and by the end of the session could have been backing dancers in a film!