Year 5 First Day
4 September 2020
A fantastic day with my new class. Lots of fun and dancing. Looking forward to a fun year together
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Stevens x
Success Certificates First week back
4 September 2020
Everyone has done brilliantly in our First week back. Well done Year 4
Socially Distanced Friday afternoon Quiz!
26 June 2020
We had fun doing a quiz this afternoon
Pond dipping
11 June 2020
We have had a great time pond dipping today. There are lots of tadpoles in the pond, a frog invasion might be on the way!!!
A poem for year 6
7 May 2020
A poem for year 6, so we could join in your poetry week too.
Times Table Rockstars
15 April 2020
Someone in Year 3 has already made it to Unsigned Act! Who will reach the dizzy heights of Rock Hero first?