Making Christingles

Image of Making Christingles

We have been making Christingles this morning. The classroom smells of oranges, it's lovely 

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Outdoor PE on the field

Image of Outdoor PE on the field

We have been enjoying the sunshine practising our hand eye coordination and ball skills on the field. 

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Dog's Trust

Image of Dog's Trust

Thank you so much to Elissa from the Dog's trust who has been talking to us today about staying dog safe. We have had a great time and got to virtually meet Mia, her dog. 


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Special visitor in Year 1

Image of Special visitor in Year 1

We are very busy completing challenges left by our class elf. 

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Oceanography and Explanation texts

Image of Oceanography and Explanation texts

We have been making sea walls and coastal defences to explore how erosion can impact on the coast. We will be writing an explanation text about it tomorrow. 


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Finding area in the classroom

Image of Finding area in the classroom

We have been finding and calculating area around the classroom 


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Investigating electrical conductors and insulators

Image of Investigating electrical conductors and insulators

We have been investigating electrical conductors and insulators

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River Systems

Image of River Systems

A morning spent outside with water and pipes. We made tributaries, meanders, waterfalls and delta. 


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Image of Karate

We have all been working really hard in our Karate zoom lessons. You should have received an email with information about Karate Grading. Please remember to send in your money if you would like your child to go for their belt.


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Stacks, stumps and arches

Image of Stacks, stumps and arches

We have been using clay to explore erosion on headlands and have been making stacks, stumps and arches. We are now sat quietly writing an explanation text and flow chart about the process. 

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Thermal insulators

Image of Thermal insulators

We have been investigating thermal insulators today and testing how well materials can keep food cool in a packed lunch box. Father Christmas also made a surprise appearance 


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Map work

Image of Map work

We spent some time doing map work today and finding rivers in Cumbria. 

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