Children in Need
We are managing to stay awake despite being in our pyjamas. We went outside to do some pyjama aerobics to wake ourselves up.
Thank you for all the donations
Science dictionary
We have turned the classroom into a science dictionary for our new science topic about materials.
Forest Friday
This morning we went outside and collected lots of leaves and twigs. We looked at the trees on and around the field and thought of words to describe them.
We have done an Outdoor Alphabet and tree poems.
Forest Friday
Lots and lots of fun doing forest schools today. Willow crowns, dream catchers and scarecrows. Lovely way to end a lovely half term.
Year 6 making dream catchers
Year 6 made dream catchers using threading skills to create a net and securing feathers and bells to the bottom of their dream catchers. They looked fantastic.
Year 6 Forest Schools 2020
Year 6 had an amazing day doing lots of activities outside.
Building Stonehenge
We have had a very busy day learning about Stonehenge and how it was built. We built our own versions of it. We wondered if they would last as long as the real Stonehenge!
World Mental Health Day
We have been supporting World Mental Health Day today. Thank you for you donations
Custard Creams!
Mrs Shaw has inspired us this week and we read a cautionary tale about the health and safety issues around eating too many custard creams and being trampled by rhino!! She got us some custard creams to help us with our story writing
Yellow Day
Starting off our Yellow Day listening to our Mr Happy story and drawing a picture of what makes us happy. Mrs Bell has drawn a picture of herself up a mountain with her dogs with a bag of chips!