
Image of Storyteller

We listened to (and joined in with) some brilliant stories!

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Year 3 STEM through fairytales

Image of Year 3 STEM through fairytales

Year 3 enjoyed a great morning of designing, building and evaluating their inventions to save Rapunzel from the tower. 

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Jack and the Beanstalk

Image of Jack and the Beanstalk

We have read Jack and the Beanstalk and talked about Jack's problem in the story that he may face. One problem is that he may drop a golden egg on the way down the beanstalk. So we designed and made landings for golden egg and tested them. Only 1 out of 4 eggs cracked!

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Story teller

Image of Story teller

Brilliant story teller 

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Science through Fairy Tales Day - Year 6

Image of Science through Fairy Tales Day - Year 6

Year 6 enjoyed our science through fairy tales work today.  Their challenge was to make a timer for Cinderella so she would know the time 20 seconds before midnight.  

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Today we pretended we were Engineers. We had to create a house that the Big Bad wolf couldn'y blow down. first of all we had tlk about the problem, then we brainstormed our ideas, then we designed them, then we made them and tested them. After we had tested them we were allowed to make…

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The Gingerbread Man

Image of The Gingerbread Man

This morning we designed and built a boat to try and help the Gingerbread man get across the river without being eaten. Some of us made boats out of salt dough and some of us used foil. All of the salt dough boats sank straight away. The tin foil boats sank more slowly, one of the tin foil boats…

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Science and Fairy tales day

Image of Science and Fairy tales day

We have had a brilliant time designing new bridges for the Three Billy Goats Gruff. There was lots of great discussion and good ideas. 


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Clay coil pots

Image of Clay coil pots

We have been making coil pots from clay 

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Food Webs

Image of Food Webs

We looked at food webs in class today We read all about different species and habitats and worked out where they fitted into food webs.

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Making new materials

Image of Making new materials

Today we investigated reversible and irreversible changes and created some new materials. Safety first we wore our goggles, then did two investigations to make casein plastic and carbon dioxide. It was very exciting. 


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Year 3 Roman Research

Image of Year 3 Roman Research

The year 3 children have been exploring what it was like to be a Roman in Britain. They have found out about technology, hygiene, religion and education in Roman Britain through books, videos and artefacts.


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