
Image of Dowdales

A brilliant morning at Dowdales making carrot cake muffins and twirlers. 

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St Bernard's

Image of St Bernard's

We have had a brilliant day visiting St Bernard's School. Thank you so much to everyone there for making us feel so welcome. 

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Kepplewray 2022

Image of Kepplewray 2022

Years 4 and 5 had an amazing time at Kepplewray! Everyone worked hard and tried their best. Many children really challenged themselves and achieved much more than they expected to. A huge thank you to the amazing staff from school who went above and beyond to support the…

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Reception Zoo Trip

Image of Reception Zoo Trip

Reception had a fantastic trip to the zoo!

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Nature club 28/6/22

Image of Nature club 28/6/22

Lots of fun making our own nature paint brushes and enjoyed nature art painting.

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Governor's Day - Year 6 Creating Electrical Circuits

Image of Governor's Day - Year 6 Creating Electrical Circuits

Year 6 had a great afternoon this afternoon creating electrical circuit in Science. Their challenge was to make a circuit that would light a bulb and then investigate how to make the bulb brighter. Mrs Carter only provided the equipment and the class had to do the rest.  They had to choose what…

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Year 1 and 2 Athletics Event

Image of Year 1 and 2 Athletics Event

Year 1 and 2 had a great time at the athletics event at Furness Academy.

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Year 6 orienteering

Image of Year 6 orienteering

Amazing team work today for our team of 12 year 6 children who attended the orienteering day at Barrow Park. A special well done to 2 boys who finished in the top 5 out of 200! Thanks to the organisers,  what a great event!

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Jack and the beanstalk - year 2

Image of Jack and the beanstalk - year 2

Our cross curricular topic this half term is plants. We have been linking this with English and looking at the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. We enjoyed hot seating the Giant in the story to explore the character and his feelings. We enjoyed learning new vocabulary and finding out what the words…

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Position and Direction - Year 2

Image of Position and Direction - Year 2

In Year 2 we have been using our previous knowledge of fractions and time to help us with turns and movement. We were able to turn 1/4 or 1/2 turns both clockwise and anti- clockwise. We enjoyed learning this really practically both indoor and outside in partners. We were able to give instructions…

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Image of Cricket

We had a game of cricket with a difference today. 4 people batting and running at the same time. The fielders had to return the balls to Jo to stop the batters running.

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International time zones

Image of International time zones

We have been exploring international time zones around the world. 


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