Chinese New Year
Year 3 have been cookin gup a storm in celebration of Chinese New Year. We all contributed by preparing the vegetables before cooking them and trying them out..
Bible Stories
Year 3 are currently putting together 6 different bible stories using different art and design techniques. Here, we have depicted the last supper using dressing up. This will eventually be shrunk and a small table will be constructed to sit in front of the picture.
Year 3 were evacuated today. We ended up in the playground and sent off to different houses and families to be protected from the bombs falling during the Blitz.
Talking to the Space Station!
Years 4, 5 and 6 have had a very exciting afternoon as we have linked up with Tim Peake on the International Space Station!! He told us all about how to drink in space and how water sticks together. He also used paddles to play with the balls of water like table tennis. There was a lot of…
Year 5 have been writing cinquains with Miss Pinches and using instruments to perform them.
Times Tables Treasure Hunt
We had great fun this afternoon doing a times table treasure hunt. We had to multiply 3 numbers together the find the next answer.
Space Exploration!
We have used globes, balls, torches and hoops to explore night and day and the orbit of the Earth, Moon and Sun.
Model making
We're having great fun making models and doing art! Thanks for all the junk materials everyone!
Year 3 have had a Robotics workshop. We learned what a robot is, how they are used and how to programme a simple one. We made it go forwards, backwards and spin!
We are taking part in the BANANAGRAMS challenge! We played for the first time today and we will keep practising for a while before we start our challenge rounds
Watch this video to find out more