World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

An assortment of book characters appeared this morning. Can you name them all?

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Chinese New Year

Image of Chinese New Year

As part of our Chinese New Year celebrations, we have been building in the correct style.

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Chinese New Year

Image of Chinese New Year

Year 3 have been cookin gup a storm in celebration of Chinese New Year. We all contributed by preparing the vegetables before cooking them and trying them out..

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Bible Stories

Image of Bible Stories

Year 3 are currently putting together 6 different bible stories using different art and design techniques. Here, we have depicted the last supper using dressing up. This will eventually be shrunk and a small table will be constructed to sit in front of the picture.

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Year 3 were evacuated today. We ended up in the playground and sent off to different houses and families to be protected from the bombs falling during the Blitz.

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Image of Robots!

Year 3 have had a Robotics workshop. We learned what a robot is, how they are used and how to programme a simple one. We made it go forwards, backwards and spin!

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Traditional Tales and Nursery Rhymes

Image of Traditional Tales and Nursery Rhymes

We created freeze frames of Traditional tales and Nusery Rhymes. Can you tell what this one is? Is it Humpty Dumpty or Row Row Row your Boat?

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World War 2

Image of World War 2

Today, Year 3 have begun a topic on World War 2. Here, we see one of the sparks for World War 2...Germany invading Poland!

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Image of YoKids

Year 3 enjoying a taster session of YoKids. Perhaps a strategy to calm down Mr Thornhill?

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Science Rocks!

Image of Science Rocks!

In Science, we have started a new topic studying rocks. We went outside to see the different types on North Row

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Children in Need - Pijamas and Onesies

Image of Children in Need - Pijamas and Onesies

All ready for our Children in Need Dress Up Day!

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Image of Explosions

What happens when you mix vinegar with bi-carbonate of soda? 27 very excited children and a big mess to clear up!!

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