Solar System

Image of Solar System

We have made models of the Solar System.

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Image of Doberries!

We love using our "Doberries" to work in class. They are little electronic devices that we can answer questions on!

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Image of Tangrams

We made the animals of the Chinese Calendar using Tangrams.


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Sports Science at the Academy

Image of Sports Science at the Academy

Year 5 worked hard at The Academy during a Sports Science Transition morning.

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Earth and Space

Image of Earth and Space

We created a scale model of our solar system using fruit and vegetables and toilet roll.

One piece of toilet roll is equivalent to 100,000,000km (100 million kilometres. Good job we've been looking at 9 digit numbers in Big Maths!)


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Christmas Party

Image of Christmas Party

Years 5 and 6 had a great time at our party.

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Rudolph the Red Nosed Pegdeer

Image of Rudolph the Red Nosed Pegdeer

We have made Rudolph the Red Nosed Pegdeer to hang on our Christmas trees!

!--[if gte vml 1] ![endif]--Do you wanna code a snowman? Do you wanna code a snowman?

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Coming Home

We were inspired, by the Michael Morpurgo book Coming Home, to make some bird food.

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Triangular Numbers

Image of Triangular Numbers

We investigated triangular numbers by drawing Christmas trees.

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Do you wanna code a snowman?

Image of Do you wanna code a snowman?

We combined hour of code and Christmas by coding a picture of a snowman.

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Christmas Crafts and Jumpers

Image of Christmas Crafts and Jumpers

We have some fantastic Christmas jumpers in Year 5 and we are making some Chritmas Tree decorations.

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Animal Allies

Image of Animal Allies

We started building Lego models for our Lego league challenge....more details as I get them

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