Roald Dahl Day
On Friday we had a very exciting time in Reception. There were lots of fabulous Roald Dahl costumes on display. It wasn't long before the classroom was full of Enormous Crocodiles, Fantastic Mr Foxes and Charlie Buckets! The children all sat beautifully through the stunning performance by the…
Parents' Phonics Meeting
Just a reminder that we will be holding a short phonics meeting in the classroom at 3.30pm on Wednesday. This informal meeting is just to keep you updated about our Letters and Sounds programme and how you can best support your child at home with their reading. It's an exciting time in Reception…
Welcome to our new class!
It has been a very exciting week in Reception this week. Our new children have been making new friends and exploring their new classroom. Today they had their very first PE lesson and everyone managed to get changed and back again with very little help. Well done Reception Class! We are all…