Year 6 painting in the style of cubism
Year 6 have been studying the artists Pablo Picasso and Patrick Caulfield in art. They have created pictures using the style 'CUBISM' and have learnt how to create tints and tones when painting.
Year 6 Rugby
Year 6 have been busy learning new skills with their rugby coach this week.
Online Safety Talk
Our local police officer gave a talk to the Year 5 and Year 6 children today about how to stay safe online.
Year 6 Visiting Artists
Signal Films kindly came in to work with the Year 6 children today. They created work based on 'a positive future'. Their work will be displayed at the Signal Film's Studio during December and January.
Year 6 mould experiment
Year 6 have been busy investigating whether mould grows in different conditions.
York 2023-Day 3
Year 6 had a great time at the Castle Museum on the last day of their residential. They journeyed through WW1, the 60's and York prison.
Year 6 York trip-bowling
We finished day 2 with a night of bowling. Well done everyone for fantastic teamwork!
York Day 2
We have had a great second day in York. After walking around the city walls, we visited the Jorvik Centre and then spent the afternoon learning all about chocolate.