Binary Monsters
We are using Binary (the language used by computers) to create monsters.
Thank you Year 5
Thank you so much year 5 for all my lovely presents.
I have thouroughly enjoyed the last two years with you all.
Keep up the good work.....See you in Year 6!
Virtual Reality
Vorteka Virtual Realities invited year 6 to the forum to have a go.
Hogwart's Bedroom Scale Models
We worked out measurements then made funiture and spell books for our Hogwart's bedrooms.
Turkish Dancing
We had an amazing time learning and performing our Turkish Dance.
African Storyteller
What an amazing time we had with "The Cow Foot Prince" this afternoon!
He took us on an amazing journey....
Check out the photos and videos!
Animation Workshop
Year 5 had a great time creating Stopframe Animations.
Robotics Worksop
We are having a fantastic time in our Robotics Workshop with Fran from S.T.E.M.
Swallows and Amazons
A big thank you to The Arthur Ransome Society, who have given us a set of Swallows and Amazons books. Also thank you to Robert who came to present them to us.
Romeo, Romeo, where for art thou Romeo?
We had a fantastic time in our Romeo and Juliet workshop yesterday.
We are going to study and then perform the play after Easter.