Karate grading
A very successful karate grading today. Very well done year 5 and thank you Natalie.
Eco art
We had a lovely afternoon making pictures from bottle tops. Thank you for all the donations. Recycle, recycle, recycle!
Black holes
We have been exploring how gravity affects other objects in space, particularly when they encounter a black hole!
Furness Academy
We have had a brilliant morning at Furness Academy taking part in arts activities. We are looking forward to seeing The Wind in the Willows
Some impressive skills on the field playing cricket this afternoon
Mixing colours
A lovely afternoon spent mixing colours and trying to match them up to the paintings of Japanese artist Hokusai
Twelfth night
Our performance of Twelfth Night is now available on Youtube. Enjoy.
3D shapes
We have been exploring 3D shapes and shape nets by making our own, naming them and discussing their properties.
Craters on Mars
We have been investigating how craters may have been formed on Mars by dropping meteorites from different heights and measuring the size of the craters. Stephen Hawking is inspiring us to find out more about space. English, maths and science in one lesson!
Twelfth Night
A wonderful performance of Twelfth Night at Blackwell Arts and Crafts House. Well done Year 5. Huge thank you to Marion Plowright, Bernadette Calvey and all the staff at Blackwell and the Wordsworth Trust. It has been a brilliant project to be part of. Thank you to everyone who came and watched…
What a Hoot!
We had a fabulous time learning all about owls this morning.